Wednesday 25 August 2010

The happy congress feeling

So I'm off to the New York Salsa Congress next week and in anticipation, I'm reliving the emotional roller coaster ride that each new congress brings (in this section - just the emotions of getting there).

Anticipation, aka "Bubbles of excitement" - Before going, I always get butterflies. It doesn't matter where it is, who I'm going with, who's going to be there, I get the distinct feeling that I want to jump up and down like a schoolgirl, giggling all the while. Now, as a fully mature and socialised adult, this isn't really acceptable behaviour, so I desperately try to contain this feeling, and consequently feel like a glass of champagne, constantly on the verge of bubbling over, with occasional random smiles alerting the world that there is some distinctively positive force eating away at me from the inside.

As the first party approaches, running into other congress goers usually serves as a "bubble release" with excitement flowing over, hugs shared, normalcy ignored. More excitement builds up after this initial defusing, as all excitedly follow the urge to find the dance floor.

The arrival - What I'd describe as the "arrival" is that moment when you walk into a congress room and come face to face with the main dance floor. There are usually two concurrent feelings that hit me at this point.
1) "I'm home" - Home with the other crazies, back amongst the other addicts, in a place where all is indulgence and happiness - music and dancing everywhere - what more could you want?
2) "Ahhh" - Going through life trying to pretend that there isn't an ever-present urge to dance running through my veins is something I find rather tricky. Trying to maintain the pretence with myself, my non-salsa friends and my colleagues that I am a fully normal and non-obsessive human being takes up a rather substantial amount of time and energy. Walking into a congress hall and seeing that there are many other people just like me is something I therefore find incredibly comforting. Hence the "Ahhh"...

Combine "I'm home" with "Ahhh" and throw in the happy bubbles of excitement and you get the emotional effect of a raging wave finally reaching shore and relaxing as it spreads out onto the sand, or what I call the happy congress feeling!

Cannot wait for the next one!

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