Saturday 23 October 2010

On Reviews

How to choose a congress? Criteria that I consider are as follows (not in any specific order):
  1. The line-up
  2. The location
  3. The price
  4. The date
  5. The venue
  6. The crowd
The only problem is that short of asking a serious congress-a-holic, you're unlikely to be receiving consistent reviews. In addition, everyone looks for something different in their congress experience so the reviews you get tend to be rather slanted. Finally, the best location for finding out about congresses is close to a dance floor teaming with salsaholics. Therefore, while you may find the time in between dances to get one or two questions answered, it will be a rare occasion if you ever get a comprehensive review.

So what I propose is this - I will put together a list of comprehensive criteria and provide a review of each of the congresses I've been to. The aim is to provide consistent criteria and a comprehensive review. However, I can't promise to be impartial - it will be fully opinionated!

Still designing the concept, but be warned, soon this blog will hopefully become slightly more useful!

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