Friday 17 December 2010

On blogs

I've been giving it some thought and I've come to the conclusion that blogging about salsa is simply the next level for me in my obsession with this dance.

First there were classes, then parties, then there was the music collection, then the friends. After that came the congresses, the salsa holidays, the Sunday afternoon salsa chill-out sessions. And finally, when talking about salsa to my salsa friends ultimately became insufficient, I went looking for blogs and forums as a way to express those thoughts which would otherwise be thoroughly uninteresting to lay people.

So yes, I'll admit it, I'm a talker. To call me "the one who won't shut up" would be an understatement. And yes, I'm aware that I have a tendency to go on...and on...and on some more! Hence why the blog format works - no one needs to read or listen, but I still get the feeling that of airing my thoughts to all and sundry. When all you seemingly want to talk about is "Salsa", this format becomes even more important - How else to get those crucial salsa-thoughts out, without scaring the many who are quite ignorant of the topic (and in many cases wish to remain so!)?

I'm fascinated with all the salsa debates and what different opinions people have on them. 
- The merits of one dance style versus another
- The merits and characteristics of songs and ways in which they can be classified and interpreted
- The hierarchy on the dance floor
- The different approaches people take to salsa - skill vs. entertainment
- The way people approach others on the dance floor - friend, acquaintance, passing dance partner?

These are just a few examples. Generally these debates can be launched by a lay person asking a silly question, but most serious dancers will have an opinion on each topic. As you become more acquainted with the salsa community and its unwritten code, your position on each topic will evolve and your thoughts on each matter will be become more detailed. Hence the need to make space for more such thoughts by evacuating those that have already matured. And voilĂ , the salsa blog is born!

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