Tuesday 28 December 2010

On my first congress

I remember my first congress as quite an eye opener – I really had not anticipated that there would be quite so many salsa addicts, nor that they could all gather in one place. Little did I know, there was a whole world of these congresses out there!

I found it to be quite comforting. Here was I, a veritable salsa addict who was looking to take her dancing to the next level and was unsatisfied with her small local scene. And there I discovered that these limits were only in my mind. In reality the salsa world was even larger than I’d envisaged and the opportunity was there to be seized.

It was soothing also from the perspective that my seemingly all-encompassing madness was not unique. There were clearly many others who loved to dance as much as I did and who were willing to migrate to some random location for the weekend in order to pursue their love of the dance.

It was hugely motivating from an educational perspective. My first salsa congress showed me that I was a purely Cuban dancer. I could dance LA style salsa but was only just starting to grasp the difference. I found myself most at home in the Cuban room because it was more relaxed and far less intimidating. But it opened my eyes to LA/NY salsa and the skill level that could be attained. I had stopped taking classes, but upon my return from Bournemouth, I started taking LA style classes. I did this with renewed energy and enthusiasm and a better idea of where I wanted my dancing to progress to.

But mostly, it was fun! Three nights of dancing, classes every hour on the hour, impressive shows. To be able to fully indulge in what you love while constantly surrounded by friends and millions of potential new ones was amazing!

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